Happy Love Day!

Today I learned a little more about love and what it means to be loving – to myself and to others.

I did my usual morning routine which is yoga, meditation, and journaling with hot tea. Then off to work where I was greeted with chocolates and skittles.

Then an unexpected lunch with the work gang at an amazing Thai place. They served up enough for two meals which then covered my dinner too. So yummy!

Then after a productive afternoon, I connected with friends and enjoyed some creativity, wine, and great conversation.

I came home to beautiful chalk art hearts all over the driveway and balloons and a card in my room. Let’s not forget the flowers and candy I received earlier this week.

I am surrounded by so much love. And not just because it’s February 14. It’s because when I look for evidence of love, I find it all around.

Sunrises. Flowers. The belly laugh of a child. Warmth. Compassion. Fun. Silliness. All of these are love.

So am I. So are you. So is everyone.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for reading, until tomorrow,


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